Utah wedding and portrait photography

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Utah Wedding Photography - Ruby + Lee

Ruby and Lee wanted a different wedding. Low key, just family. No party. Just a get-together the night before. So that's just what they did. Family members gathered at Ruby's father's house in Salt Lake and had dinner, and make beautiful speeches and tributes to Ruby and Lee. The next day they got married in the Provo Temple, across the street from my studio. There were a few formal pictures taken, there, then Ruby and Lee came back to the studio, just the two of them, for a few more pictures. And that's it. Then off to the honeymoon!

I met Ruby a few years ago when I photographed her sister Meredith's wedding in Santa Cruz. I was always hoping she call me when it was time for her wedding. And what do you know!

Meet Ruby and Lee. (Click on any image to view it larger).

Justin Hackworth photographs extravagant weddings or small gatherings and he wants to photograph you. 
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