Birthday self portraits - 54 of 'em
In my early 40’s I started taking self portraits on my birthday, as many portraits as I am in age. This year, I’m 54, so here we go, 54 self portraits on the occasion of my birthday. (Click on any image to view it larger.)
For part of the day, my son and I drove to an old mining town about 40 miles from where I live, called Eureka.
And if 54 portraits of me just doesn’t satiate you, here’s the self portrait birthday posts from 2021 and 2020.
This is fun for me to do. I look forward to it all year. But it is challenging. For one thing, it takes all day. Also, it’s hard to make 54 unique portraits, let alone, something that’s not a repeat of previous years. But some repeats I favor, and lean into, like starting each time in my bed. So some are repeats and some I’m trying to make new each time, and then overall, I just know not every picture is going to be a home run, and I can live with that. But I do feel like if I can get 5-10 that are interesting or surprising or compelling or amusing, then by golly, I’d call that a success.